Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Darkroom experiments

Last rotation, I worked with a large format camera. I encountered some difficulties during my time working with the camera such as double exposures, premature exposure during the development process, a faulty shutter, and of course lugging the camera around from place to place. After development, I only used 2 out of the 8 pieces of film I shot over the two weeks of shooting. Starting was simple, I made a couple resin coated prints with the regular image.

But after about three days of making regular prints with the two negatives I had, I began to explore different processes to experiment with my two negatives. I crumpled up a piece of paper and used one of my classmates negatives ( a portrait of her brother) and then unfolded it while in the developer chemical. I also folded up a piece of paper in the shape of a paper airplane, and on my first try I came out with what I think to be a very interesting result:

I also experimented with the method of solarization (exposing a piece of photo paper to an image on a projector, throwing the paper in the developing chemicals and once the image begins to appear on the paper, take the paper out and expose it to light for a brief second, and then put it back in the developer.)

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