Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm usually not a fan of photoshop

But these contest winners caught my eye. I have always believed that "good" photography is can only be found in the first shot, or with minor adjustments in contrast, or other small changes that do not change the composition or subjects of the photo.

However while browsing through an online photography magazine, this photo really caught my eye:

Like I said, I'm really not a big fan of over editing, but I have to say I was more than intrigued when I saw this photo. The light work is really spectacular in this photo. While I usually label overly photoshopped pieces as graphic design, the major of the winners of this contest I respect greatly as photography.

To check out more photos like these visit:


Kevin Y. Ji said...

Amen. I have to agree with your philosophy on leaving photos more or less untouched. I have been guilty of cloning out some really distracting background things in images I otherwise wouldn't be able to recreate, but besides that I more or less leave my photos alone.

Pete said...

I liked how the example image had some ambient light and color combined with the light painting. It wasn't just a dark background. The sky had some dark blue in it and the bushes were a deep green color.