Monday, January 3, 2011

Biography Comparison- Francisco Mata Rosas & Marco Antonio Cruz

Francisco Mata Rosas

Francisco Mata Rosas was born in Mexico City. He received a degree in photo-journalism early on in his career in photography. He is a well known Mexican photographer whose work is also well known in the United States. His photography has been published in various works including some that are well known here, like The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times. His photography has also been published in other foreign countries as well like in the magazine El Pasiente from Spain and Photography in London. His work has also been exhibited all over the world in many different countries. His two most popular series are Sabado de Gloria which focuses on Holy Saturday in Mexico in which people recreate the suffering of Jesus Christ. His other famous series is Litorales which includes many panoramic images of the seashores in Mexico. A unique quality of Francisco Mata Rosas is that he really enjoys working with toy cameras and his series Litorales was taken with a Ansco Pix Panoramic. He enjoys working with Black and White photography and when taking photos at times he focuses patterns. In many of his photos he captures the essence of Mexican pride and the roots of Mexican heritage that help keep them alive for the ever changing generations to come.

Marco Antonio Cruz

Marco Antonio Cruz was born in Puebla, Mexico. Originally he was studying painting, however he soon discovered his talents and interests in the art of Photography. He was inspired by the works of Nacho Lopez another Mexican photographer. His photography has been published in the LIFE magazine and La Jornada the Mexican Newspaper. The most well known image of his in LIFE magazine was that of his image of the 1985 Mexico City earthquake. His work has been exhibited all various times in the U. S and in Mexico. Marco Antonio Cruz has published two books, Cafetaleros and Contra La Pared. His most famous series was one that including going around all of Mexico and photographing the blind in order to tell their stories and help educate people about the life of the blind and their conditions they live in. Although Marco Antonio Cruz does not specifically say he is a photo-journalist he does a lot of work in this field. His work is mainly in black white and has unique angles and that help add a stronger point to the photos. He plays heavily with contrast.

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