Sunday, March 6, 2011

Concert Photography

I've always liked concert photography and have tried it myself a few times but unless you have special permission and a place to stand, it can be difficult to get good shots. Also, venues generally don't let it any cameras with lenses which makes it a lot harder take good shots... and because DSLRs are bulky they are difficult to sneak in.

I posted here some of my shots (none with a DSLR) and then some much better professional shots that I found in the LIFE archives.

Max Bemis of Say Anything.

Tim McIlrath of Rise Against.

Tim McIlrath of Rise Against. It was dark and the stage had almost no lighting but I kind of like the blur because it conveys all the movement in the photo.

A much higher quality shot of Tim.

Davey Havok of AFI crowd-walking.

Conor Oberst.

1 comment:

Pete said...

Can you get a press pass as a Coat of Arms staff member? That could allow you to bring in and shoot with a bigger lens.